
Hemoglobin HGB. g/l

Erythrocytes RBC. x10¹²/l

Leukocytes WBC. x10/l

Mean cell haemoglobin (MCH). pg

Mean cell volume (MCV). fl

Mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC). g/l

CPB (Color index of blood).

Lymphocytes. LYMPH %

Segmented neutrophiles. NEUT %

Eosinophils. %

Monocytes.MONO %

Band neutrophiles. NEUT %

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR. mm/h

Blood coagulation:

Beginning of clotting (method of Lee-White). min

End of clotting (method of Lee-White). min

Thrombocytes. x10/l

Fibrinogen. g/l

Prothrombin index (PI). %

Hematocrit.HCT %

Electrolyte metabolism:

Calcium (Ca). mmol/l

Magnesium (Mg). mmol/l

Potassium (K). mmol/l

Sodium (Na). mmol/l

Chloride (Cl). mmol/l

Functional parameters of stomach:

pH of gastric juice.


Basal pressure of Oddi’s sphincter mm Hg

Carbohydrate metabolism:

Lactic acid. mmol/l

Glucose. mmol/l

Glycogen. mg%

Liver function tests:

Aspartate transaminase (AST). mmol/l

Alanine transaminase (ALT). mmol/l

De Ritis ratio (AST/ALT).

Bilirubin, Total. μmol/l

Bilirubin, Direct. μmol/l

Bilirubin, Indirect. μmol/l

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP). μkat/L

Protein metabolism:

Protein, Total. g/l

Serum albumin (ALB). g/l

Serum globulin (GLB). g/l

Colloid-Osmotic Pressure (COP).

Creatinine. μmol/l

Dopamine β-hydroxylase (DBH). nmol/ml/min

Urea. mmol/l

Transferrin. mg/dl

Lipid metabolism:

Triglycerides (TG). mmol/l

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL). mmol/l

Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL). mmol/l

High-density lipoproteins (HDL). mmol/l

Cholesterol total. mmol/l

β- lipoprotein. g/l

β- lipoprotein. mmol/l

Atherogenic Coefficient (AC).

Atherogenic index of plasma (AIP).

Water metabolism:

Cellular water. %

Total water. %

Extracellular water. %


Testosterone. μmol/24hours

Estrogen, Total . nmol/24hours

Thyroxine (T4),Total. nmol/l


Amylase (W.Т.Caraway). g/l*h

Acetylcholine. μg/ml

Acetylcholinesterase of erythrocytes. μmol/l

Tyrosine. mg*%[Zbarskiy B. I., 1972]

Creatine kinase MM (CK-MM). μmol/min/kg

Creatine kinase MB (CK-MB). μmol/min/kg

Cell mitosis regulation:

Comprehensive cell mitosis regulation factor.

Internal blood flow, in % to total blood flow:

Myocardial blood flow. %

Muscular blood flow. %

Cerebral blood flow. %

Hepatoportal blood flow. %

Nephritic blood flow. %

Skin blood flow. %

Blood flow of other organs. %

Internal blood flow, in ml/min:

Myocardial blood flow. ml/min

Muscular blood flow. ml/min

Cerebral blood flow. ml/min

Hepatoportal blood flow. ml/min

Nephritic blood flow. ml/min

Skin blood flow. ml/min

Blood flow of other organs. ml/min

Cerebral hemodynamics:

Cerebral blood flow on 100g of tissue. ml/100g

Blood flow per 1gr of thyroid gland. ml/g

Blood flow per 1gr of cerebral tissue. ml/g

Cerebral spinal fluid pressure (CSF). mm HO

Width of the third ventricle of cerebrum. mm

Functional parameters of cardio-respiratory system:

Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). dyn/cm5*sec

Central venous pressure. mm HO

Time of pulmonary circulation. s

Time of systemic circulation. s

Energy Expenditure. kkal/kg/min

Oxygenation velocity of RBC. ml/min

Surface of gaseous exchange of RBC. m²

Deficit of circulatory blood. ml/kg

Vital capacity of lungs (VC). cm³.

Minute ventilation (VE) l/min

Functional residual capacity (FRC) cm³

Peak expiratory flow (PEF). l/min

Test Tiffeneau. %

Working rate of oxygen consumption. %

Time of single load. min

Respiratory exchange ratio (RER).

Oxygen transport and consumption:

pH of blood.

Volume of circulatory blood. ml/kg

Cardiac output (CO). l/min

Transportation of oxygen(O). ml/min

Quantity of assimilated oxygen on 100 gr. of cerebral tissue. ml

Oxygen saturation in arterial blood (SaO). %

Oxygen consumption per kg of body weight. ml/min/kg

O consumption.(VO) ml/min

Myocardial oxygen consumption. ml/min

Oxygen extraction index.

Transport and elimination of CO:

CO elimination. ml/min

(CO) in arterial blood. %

(CO) venous blood. %

Rate of CO production. ml/min

Functional parameters of cardio-vascular system:

Vascular Permeability Index.

Stroke volume (SV). ml

Interval PR. sec

Interval QT. sec

Interval QRS. sec

Left ventricular Stroke Work Index. %

Systolic arterial pressure. mm Hg

Diastolic arterial pressure. mm Hg

Average blood pressure (MAP).

Plasma density. g/l

Cardiac work. Joule

Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Risk Index.

Shock Index (SI).


eGFR [MDRD]. ml/min/1.73m²

Estimated creatinine clearance rate(eClCr)[Cockroft and Gault]. ml/min

Cystatin C (CysC). mg/l

BUN. mg/dl

Urine specific gravity. g/cm³

Ceruloplasmin (CP). g/l

Intracranial pressure (ICP). mmHg

Actual blood supply index (IK).